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Peyronie’s disease: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, coping strategies

Peyronie’s disease is a medical condition characterised by the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis, leading to curved and painful erections. While the exact cause remains unclear, it is believed that Peyronie’s disease may result from trauma or injury to the penis, which causes localised bleeding and the subsequent formation of scar tissue.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Chirag Bhandari, Founder of Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health (IASH), revealed that over time, this scar tissue can lead to significant penile curvature, erectile dysfunction and discomfort, impacting both physical and emotional well-being. He elaborated –
The precise aetiology of Peyronie’s disease is not entirely understood, but several factors are thought to contribute to its development:
The symptoms of Peyronie’s disease can vary widely among individuals, but common manifestations include:
Diagnosing Peyronie’s disease generally involves reviewing the patient’s medical history, conducting a physical exam, and using imaging tests. During the physical exam, a healthcare provider may feel the hardened scar tissue within the penis. Ultrasound imaging can be used to assess the location and extent of the scar tissue, as well as to check for any abnormalities in blood flow.
The treatment of Peyronie’s disease aims to reduce pain, improve penile curvature, and restore sexual function. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the degree of discomfort experienced by the patient. Here are some common treatment approaches:
1. Medication: Oral medications such as pentoxifylline and potassium para-aminobenzoate (Potaba) may help reduce the formation of scar tissue and alleviate symptoms. In some cases, intralesional injections with medications like collagenase clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex) are used to break down the scar tissue.
2. Non-Surgical Therapies:
3. Surgery: For severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgical options include:
Living with Peyronie’s disease can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. Open communication with a healthcare provider, as well as seeking support from partners and counseling, can significantly aid in managing the condition. Support groups and educational resources can also provide valuable information and emotional reassurance.
Peyronie’s disease is a complex condition that can profoundly affect a man’s quality of life but early diagnosis and a tailored treatment approach are essential in managing symptoms and improving outcomes. If you suspect you have Peyronie’s disease, consult a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan.
